Digital versjon av et produksjonsanlegg
Vi har nylig laget en digital versjon av et produksjonsanlegg med 3D-skanning SLAM-teknologi
Vi har nylig laget en digital versjon av et produksjonsanlegg med 3D-skanning SLAM-teknologi
Digitale tvillinger reduserer CO2-utslipp og er en stor bidragsyter til et bedre klima. Hvordan – tenker du kanskje? Med digitale løsninger kan vi gjøre mer for mindre. Rehabiliteringsprosjekter er et godt eksempel. Oppmålinger kan gjøres ved å bruke 3D scanning og visualiseres gjennom et skybasert system. Dette gir dermed redusert behov for reising og redusert timeforbruk.
Build your digital twin with enhanced data such as fire extinguishers and see it all online.
With a digital twin software you will bring collaboration, training and documentation to a new level.
Det er mange fordeler med droneflyginger med punktsky. Det gir mulighet til oppmålinger på store områder i tillegg til inspeksjoner. Få en dokumentert tidslinje i 3D.
En digital tvilling gir tilgang til vanskelige områder, samt redusert kostnad.
Small video showing point clouds in combinations with reality capture digitalization.
In cooperation with
Digitalization creates opportunities. Take measurements, show suggestions and collaborate with a digital twin of your facility in seconds. With a 3D scan you can move around like you are actually in the building and work in a digital version.
Everything done from the browser without additional software installed.
A 3D representation of a facility is done quickly and is giving many benefits for later use.
The digital 3D version creates opportunities across locations in a new way.
It can be used for planning, training, measurements, information, documentation, control and many more.
It reduces traveling needs, ease the communications, and can be shared in a quick and secure way.
The capture is giving information such as point cloud, point of interests and pictures.
Get started with a digital twin of your factory and facility with reality capture.
Increase your efficiency and reduce cost by view, measure and share the 3D scanning with the team.
Online system for planning, rebuilding, documentation, training and reduced need for traveling.
3D scanning and 3D point clouds has never been more real and informative.
Point of interests with additional information on such as fire alarms and fire hoses.
In cooperation with